Aims and Objectives of Social Guidance Agency:

  • To show love and sympathy and render necessary help to our fellow human beings who have no one to love or care for them, or who are unable to lead normal social life due to poverty or diseases.
  • To counsel, detoxify, de-addict and rehabilitate drug addicts and alcoholics, and reform psychopaths, kleptomaniacs and abnormal persons by maintaining Counselling Centre, De-addiction/Treatment cum Rehabilitation Centre, Day Care and After Care Centres.
  • To look after orphans, destitutes and social outcasts, and educate and train them to lead a normal standard of life.
  • To organize researches on the issue of present day social evils, conduct awareness campaigns for combatting these evils by means of trainings, workshops and seminars or through media.
  • To utilize the manpower provided by recovering/recovered addicts for forming Self Help Groups to start a Dairy Farm, a Poultry Farm and a Piggery Farm or a Plantation Garden so that the profits derived from these ventures can be utilized for their subsequent rehabilitations and future resettlements. 
  • To set up as many branches or wings of the Agency as possible whenever and wherever necessary to pursue the welfare of the society.
  • To eliminate undesirable elements of the society and reform social life by imparting civic sense to the society.
  • To help and co-operate with other NGOs/CBOs/Associations/Institutions/GOs/Age-ncies for the eradications of such social evils as drugs, liquors and immoral acts.
  • To preach and practise the virtues of a normal Christian life. To work for the unity of the Indian Nation in every possible manner.